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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 10:13 am
by Mat-Moo
If anyone cares to take a look at yet another damn LCD software display app (was going to call it oh no yet another lcd application) - LCDC - I'd be grateful for feedback - See - This is STILl beta software at ver 0.8

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 12:13 pm
by sygyzy
Awesome. Here is some feedback.

1) Can you make it turn on backlight by default. This becomes a real chore with many programs (not only yours) because it turns off my backlight on my VFD which turns off the unit entirely. Maybe have it as a stored option.

2) Can you make it clear the display before it starts? When I use other software then switch to yours, sometimes yours does not write in some spots (i.e second line) where the others have text in. It's almost as if the old text is locked into place

3) The redraw looks funny on some of the stuff. Instead of changing numbers for instance as 01, 02, 03, 04, I can actually see the cursor move back and forth as it redraws.

4) Add headlines? Weather? Stocks?

That's it for now. There will be more coming, don't you worry.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 12:27 pm
by Mat-Moo
Which screen are you using (and which definition file)? The OnStart event should send commands to set the "BacklightOn" for example which doesn't seem to be working in your case..

I'm looking at other plug ons, but just trying to get the core sorted...

p.s. Alreaded added a couple more transititons

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 3:04 pm
by Henry
ICQ or E-mail me...

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 3:51 pm
by Mat-Moo
No ICQ - What's your e-mail address? or e-mail me

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 4:49 pm
by sygyzy
Okay some more observations. Oh yeah I am using LK202-25 def file and the default lcdc command file. I forgot the name. I call it default.

1) I had Smartie running and I quit it as it was running the news headlines (both lines of my 2x20). I started yours up and the bottom line (portion of the news) stays the same and yours only writes to the top part, even if there is two lines of data.

2) In config the startup and shutdown commands do not save. I switch to the events page, make sure both are checked. For startup I choose turn on backlight. For shutdown I choose exit. Notice that the ok and cancel button (check and x) are both grayed out no matter what.

3) In the events page notice that the action dropdown is too short. Most of the commands are truncated and are hard to figure out.

4) Can you make it so you can press next and back on the virtual display (like smartie)? Makes testing xx screen out of 20 (or something) much quicker.

5) I like centering. Will say it again, I like your centering!

6) I can actually see that cursor redraw on every screen.

7) Memory paging is too detailed. It is to the hundreths so it cuts off the values at the end. So for example 976.05/1.2

1.2 What? I left it on default btw.

More to come. If you want me to stop QA-ing, please tell me. I do this for a job so I kind of pay attention to details more than many people.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 4:57 pm
by Henry
On 2002-02-11 15:51, mat-d-rat wrote:
No ICQ - What's your e-mail address? or e-mail me
Well, GET IT... :grin:

Henry J.
Technical Support
Matrix Orbital

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Henry on 2002-02-11 16:57 ]</font>

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 5:19 am
by Mat-Moo

Msg 1)
1) The OnStart event should send that and turn it on
2) You can easilty add that to the OnStart event - just add the command "cleardisplay"
3) Maybe the underline cursor is on - Try sending the command "CursorOff" from the test screen and see if it makes a difference
4) Adding in a protocol to pick up RSS feeds, so anything that produces a RSS file LCDC will be able to display (going to limit it to the first 5 items though)

Msg 2)
1) Did you make your own file, or use the example one? My example one sends custom commands on startup (see previous above) and one of the command that should be sent is "AutoLineWrapOn" which will cure this problem
2)Do you mean the "Load at Startup" on the config page? This is not yet implemented so I've left it.
3) Odd they are okay on mine - You got ver 0.7 or 0.8?
4) Hmmm - Got events for that, but if you have no keypad then no good... Perhaps a virtual keypad!!
5) In the UK we always centre our stuff!
6) Needs the CursorOff command sending probably
7) It should say 976.05Mb/1.2Gb as they all (disk space etc.) go through a common routine for formatiing them - Does it not say anything else at all?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 4:13 pm
by sygyzy
Hi Mat

1) On Start event? Where? Do you mean Screen Builder | Events? Remember what I said about nothing saving there to begin with?

2) There is no "cleardisplay" command in the on start events. The closest is backlighton, backlightoff.

3) There is no cursor off command in the test page. There is cursor underline off, cursor block off. Where are you getting all these commands from?

4) What is an RSS Feed?


1) I used the example file as well as LK202-25 definition. I only modified the example by adding free drive space for my D:. Nothing drastic. Where do you tell it to send commands on startup?

2) No I meant on the events page. For startup and shutdown. I dont mean the load at startup.

3) 0.7 beta. That might explain alot of things although I got the latest version as of a few days ago. You must have updated recently?

4) You dont need a keyboard. I was referring to virtual buttons on screen. To the right and left of the virtual display. If I use my mouse and click one then it will show the next screen.

5) I love you brits for 3 things: bl00, mum, and centering! (centre ing)?

6) Again, cursor off? where? is this the exact command name?

7) Paging: xxx.xx/1.2 that's it. Just ends.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 5:10 pm
by sygyzy
EVERYTHING is fixed! Oh wait, the memory still only displays 1.2. Only if I scroll will it say 1.2GB. What does scroll left 1, scroll left 2 mean? Does it mean 2 characters at a time = faster? Is it possible to edit without stopping it? When you close config it can just put the changes into effect whenever the changed screens come up.

Let's say it's displaying screen 3 of 5. If you edit 5 then next it'll just show the same 4, then the new 5 when that comes next.

Current and Total upload/download shows as !!!

Can you make time format 12 hours instead of 24?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 7:02 pm
by Henry
I just spent over a hour playing with it :grin:

Does the IP stuff work? didn't seem to display anything except for !!!!

Also, do not let the program set the contrast when it starts. It creates a problem on LCDs with different contrast settings. Also, make the program turn off the curson and blinking.

Last, the CPU load says 44% but the bargraph shows nothing, but when I go and load something then the cpu bargraph jumps up.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 7:50 pm
by sygyzy
I was able to get an access violation when I added blink cursor block off and underline off to my startup event. Nothing fatal though. Just an OK button to get rid of it.

IP works for me Henry. Shows internal LAN IP though. Non routable is what I mean.

As for the bar, it might be what I stated before. The intervals might be too low. Like first block might be 0-50%, then it gets more detailed or something.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 6:31 am
by Mat-Moo
Any paramters that show !!! are not yet implemented - I.P address should work though. Time format can be set in the configuration screen - See .Sorry editiong on the fly not permitted :smile: just because of the way it works sorry! What OS you got Henry? My CPU stuff is fine in win2k. You can change on on Starteven to send Cursoroff etc. and add/remove commands...That is just a test file I put there that works on my little 202

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mat-d-rat on 2002-02-13 06:32 ]</font>

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 7:17 am
by Cheese
Got her up and running on my glk12232-25-wbl

slight problem with line 3, almost there though - here's a 2 line example :grin:


Note the use of the smallfilled font to allow me to use custom characters for the position bar that actually touch :grin:

Really cool... cheers mat,


p.s. henry's cpu probs might be because he's using intel scum - works fine on for my athlon in xp

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TheCheeseMan on 2002-02-13 07:25 ]</font>

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 9:21 am
by Henry
On 2002-02-13 06:31, mat-d-rat wrote:
Any paramters that show !!! are not yet implemented - I.P address should work though. Time format can be set in the configuration screen - See .Sorry editiong on the fly not permitted :smile: just because of the way it works sorry! What OS you got Henry? My CPU stuff is fine in win2k. You can change on on Starteven to send Cursoroff etc. and add/remove commands...That is just a test file I put there that works on my little 202
I was playing on W2K Server