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GLK - Take a snapshot of a screen

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:53 am
by vedavis
It seems that I may be out of luck here, but I'll ask anyway. I am using a GLK24064-25-GW display.

I want to take a snapshot of a number of live screens for use in the user manual. Since I see no commands to download a display image or copy it to internal storage, the only way I see to accomplish this would be to capture the commands that get sent to the GLK display and divert them to a PC program, which would re-interpret them to pixels on a bitmap.

Does Matrix Orbital have, or know the existence of, such a PC program?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:39 am
by Clark
Hi Vernon,

You are correct, unfortunately, we have no virtual display software for the graphic line. I would presume many customers would take images of the physical display or use the bitmap images they have saved to the unit in their documentation.

However, I believe you are drawing bitmaps directly, for which I don't have an easy solution. Again, you are correct, the best way I can see to convert your bitmap streams to images would be by creating a PC program.
