Linux command line to update HMI display

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Linux command line to update HMI display

Post by vpatron »

Hello, I haven't used Matrix Orbital stuff, but I have used Nextion displays in a previous factory test automation project and I love the HMI display concept.

Would it be possible to make a Linux command-line program to download the display file for the HMI display? The reason this is important to me is because my testers can get deployed to remote locations and I don't use Windows. My testers run on Linux embedded computers and Raspberry Pi's.

I don't mind developing the GUI on Windows (as long as it works fine with Windows on a VM), but I really want to be able to update the HMI display remotely without Windows, something akin to microcontroller programming tools via the command line. This way, I can update the HMI displays of remote testers just over an SSH connection, or using bash scripts or other automation tools.

I asked a similar question to 4D Systems and they had no such tool. I asked if they could provide specs on the download protocol so I can write a downloader and they wanted me to sign an NDA to tell me how to the download protocol worked.

This seemed rather silly to me because I would think manufacturers would want to open source the download protocol so folks can write their own open-source programming utilities for their displays and help out all users. All I want to do is get the updated HMI file into the display without a giant desktop OS running.

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks, -Vince

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Re: Linux command line to update HMI display

Post by Raquel »


Thank you for posting on the forum.
Can you please tell me which of our Matrix Orbital display series you are interested in?

Best Regards,
Raquel Malinis
Design and Development
Matrix Orbital

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