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NEW HTT Firmware R2.1.11951

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 5:57 pm
by Henry
New firmware has been released for PCB Revision 1.5+ and 3.0+, available here:

New Features including, Haptic feedback, piezo Buzzer for alarms and touch feedback, multistage backlight dimming, and other new features.

--haptic [duration]

set duration for haptic feedback (in 100ms increments)
for 1 second - use 10

--piezo [duration]

set duration for piezo tone at 400Hz (in 100ms increments)
for 1 second - use 10

--alarm [type] [duration] [flash]

The alarm will continue until either one of the folowwing conditions occurs:
- The duration of the alarm is reached
- The screen is touched (touch capable models only)
- The alarm is canceled by selecting alarm type 0

type: 0-17 alarm type [0 = off], 16 preprogrammed tones

duration: duration for the alarm (in 100ms increments, for 1 second - use 10), use -1 for no timeout

flash: flashes per second, max = 10, off = 0

--touchfeedback [setting]

Setting: 0 none, 1 haptic, 2 piezo, 3 haptic and piezo

--touchdim [time1] [brightness1] [time2] [brightness2] [time3] [brightness3] [time4] [brightness4]

dim the display after [time] seconds of inactivity up to 4 levels.

[time1] [0-600] time in seconds since last touch
[brightness1] [0-255] brightness of the display 0 = Off, 255 is full brightness
[time2] [0-600] time in seconds since [time1]
[brightness2] [0-255] brightness of the display 0 = Off, 255 is full brightness
[time3] [0-600] time in seconds since [time3]
[brightness3] [0-255] brightness of the display 0 = Off, 255 is full brightness
[time4] [0-600] time in seconds since [time4]
[brightness4] [0-255] brightness of the display 0 = Off, 255 is full brightness

--touchdim 5 150 30 75 60 25 0 0

example 3 stages, in 5 seconds brightness will be 150, 30 seconds after that 75, 60 seconds after 25

--touchdim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

disable feature

Note: while time is specified in seconds, for convenience time can be postfixed with the letter 'm' for specify minutes ie 5m would automatically convert to 300 seconds.


reset the unit to factory defaults