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Screen shots using EVE (BT815)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 8:24 am
by rascalito

Is there a way to copy the whole screen contents to somewhere in the flash, so that I can then
transfer it to an SD card for example? (I have one attached to my hardware working with STM32).

And save it either as a bitmap or as a cmpressed image?

For those who may wonder: I want to make documentation of what I wrote and I need screen copies.
I first thought about some kind of EVE emulation on Linux, but if that kind of copy could exist, it would
be faster and there would be absolutely no difference between the image and the actual hardware.

Thanks for any hint.

Re: Screen shots using EVE (BT815)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 9:59 am
by Ray
We don't have any example code available for it, but the CMD_SNAPSHOT and CMD_SNAPSHOT2 commands from the Eve Programming Guide will be useful for this use case.